Friday, February 3, 2012

Neurotic Little Things

Part of welcoming a new baby into your home is purchasing all of the baby gear. You choose patterns and prints... Lions or monkey? Jungle or zoo?

You get delighted when you put your bundle of joy in the swing or bouncer for the first time but lately I have been zeroing in on all of the tags hanging from all the cuteness. Sure my son is mesmerized by the adorable blue elephant hanging above him. But perhaps he would enjoy it more if all those ugly tags weren't hanging out of the elephants butt. Or the lions next to him. What's with all the highly visible tags that rob these expensive pieces of baby gear from their cuteness they deserve?

Today I am cutting all the tags. The tags from the bouncer, the swing, the Playard, and anything else. It feels a bit renegade like cutting the tag off a comforter. However. I'm cutting them all. :).

Slightly neurotic? Definitely.

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